Use Ruby reduce method to find the average of any array of floats

    Here’s an quick Ruby method I stumbled upon to help find the average of an array of floats. Much time and lines of code were saved. Less code is better code.

    Use Cucumber to test a RESTful API

    Use Ruby’s JSON module to run simple Cucumber scenarios to test a RESTful API, DevOps style!

    Rails SPA with Active Admin and Active Storage

    For my brother’s nano-brewery, I wanted to build a simple, single-page application in which he could create, display, update, and delete content via a database. He also needed to be able easily upload images. I found a few tutorials on building a Rails-backend API with React-frontend, but at the time of this article, I didn’t yet know much about React (or Angular for that matter) so we just went with Rails and Bootstrap.


    An old article from when I was in Omaha Code School. Playing with an API.

    Javascript Basics

    I don’t work with JavaScript much, but when I do it’s handy to have some notes.